Rachid Oumlil and Carlos Juiz have presented the work “Ten years of Open Innovation Benefits: A meta-analysis from 2007-2017” in the prestigious WOIC conference

Rachid Oumlil and Carlos Juiz have presented the work “Ten years of Open Innovation Benefits: A meta-analysis from 2007-2017” in the prestigious WOIC conference (http://woic.corporateinnovation.berkeley.edu/), which has taken place in San Francisco, from December 13th to 15th.
In this way, the line of research on open innovation carried out by our associate researcher in the ACSIC laboratory for 6 months continues, taking advantage of an international exchange scholarship for teachers from the Maghreb and Spain (UnetBa). This line of research began with the development of the prototype www.innovaTTion.net, which has received several local and national awards on innovation.
source : http://acsic.uib.eu/Actualitat/Noticies/Rachid-Oumlil-and-Carlos-Juiz-present-the-work-Ten.cid509107